
The toddler program provides care for children 18 months to 2.5 years old and maintains a ratio of 1 teacher to 5 children. The maximum capacity for this program is 15 children to 3 teachers.
The toddler program provides a safe, caring and fun environment in which each child has the opportunity to experience learning through play. We provide a developmentally appropriate curriculum and interest areas to facilitate each child’s learning experience. At Humber Bay we practice an emergent play-based curriculum where we follow the child’s lead and interest when planning learning experiences. Program plans are posted for parents to review and see what learning experiences have been planned for their child. We encourage parents to be active partners in our programs; feedback, ideas and suggestions are welcome.
The toddler program’s daily schedule is flexible and conducive to the needs of the children enrolled. If your child is toilet training, or has other needs that require a more specific schedule, please speak to the staff to create an individual schedule for your child.
Daily charts of your child’s day are available for parents through the HiMama app, information include; how much did your child eat, how long did they nap for, their diaper/toileting routines, etc. You are welcome to take these charts home to share with others.
Below is a glimpse of what you will find in our toddler program.
Group Time
Group time is an important part of our day. During group time children are exposed to stories, finger plays, songs, games and show and tell. Group time provides an opportunity for your child to develop language and listening skills, cooperation, confidence and self-esteem. Regardless of their ability, each child can experience a feeling of belonging to the group.
Science and Nature
Real science begins in childhood curiosity, which leads to discovery and exploration with the teacher’s help and encouragement. In the science centre, children discover “how things work”, by simple experiments, testing, exploring, predicting and learning. Children will learn through hands on experience with various materials and books.
Children are offered a variety of sensory materials, such as, play dough, goop, water, sand and MORE! Children learn about things by touching, smelling, seeing and hearing them.

Hands on learning experiences encourage toddlers to think and learn about the world around them. Cognitive and Manipulative learning experiences may include matching, fitting things into each other, stacking and knocking things down.
Dramatic Play
This area offers children an opportunity to extend social and emotional skills, as well as enriching their imagination. Children enjoy dressing-up and exploring different role playing opportunities. Costumes and play materials from different cultures are made available to enrich your child’s place experience.
Book Area
The book area is typically a quiet and calming area where children are able to go and escape the busy classroom. Language and Literacy activities are planned daily and educators ensure the book centre is filled with books based on children’s interests. Books are offered in different languages, topics and are developmentally appropriate for the toddler group. Book Centres are set up to incorporate other learning materials, such as a listening area, puppets with a flannel board and more. Educators make reading fun!
Blocks & Construction Area
The block centre is a source of hands-on learning and is always a very busy part of the classroom. The block centre has an assortment of blocks, and building materials for children to explore. It provides opportunity for developing motor skills, concepts, simple math, measuring, sorting & classification and sharing. Multiple assortments of blocks and construction activities are offered on a regular basis. Props are also used to allow the block centre to come to life.
Creative Arts
Being creative allows children to express themselves without any right or wrong. Every child’s art work is unique to them and the experiential process of art is more important than that of the finished product in early education. Look for your child’s masterpieces displayed around the classroom.
Outdoor Play
Children go outdoors and play for at least 2 hours a day, weather permitting as required by the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014.
With our changing climates, please ensure your child has the appropriate attire and accessories for going outdoors.
Summer: Sunscreen, glasses, hat, sandals (no flip flops)
Rainy days: Rain boots, raincoat
Winter: Coat, boots, snow pants, gloves, scarf, and hat.
*Outdoor Playtime is minimized when there is SMOG, EXTREME HEAT/COLD warnings or when the AQHI is 7 or higher. *

Rest Time
Sleep and rest are major requirements for good health. Children nap for two hours as required by the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014. Nap time provides much needed downtime for growth and helps children from becoming over tired. To help make sleep time a more calming experience for your child, please provide a blanket, pillow and if desired, a sleep toy.
Important things to bring:
- Reusable water bottle
- Extra change of clothes, underwear
- Diapers and wipes (if needed)
- Blanket